AKC Rally® is a companion sport to AKC Obedience. It requires teamwork between the dog and the handler along with performance skills similar to obedience.
All dogs, including both purebred and mixed breed dogs, are welcome to participate in our rally classes!
Drop-ins are welcome in Rally I and II with the consent of the instructor during summer sessions to accommodate vacation schedules. Please contact Chelsea Updike at cmupdike23@yahoo.com at least 12 hours before class.
🗓️ September 23, 5-6 pm | Jumps! High/bar/broad
🗓️ October 14, 6:30-7:30 pm | Advanced heeling for those of you who are ready to take your heeling skills to the next level.
🗓️ November 18, 6:30-7:30 pm | Footwork and coursework, combining your footwork with strategy when running a course. Will have a novice and advanced course.
Member drop-in fee: $10
Non-member drop-in fee: $20
Limit of 8 per class.
$130 non-members
$65 members
There is a $15.00 discount to non-members with a continuing class coupon provided by previous instructor. Please see your coupon for details to redeem the coupon.
*Please Note: Only one discount may be used for a class.
Rally provides an excellent introduction to AKC events for new dogs and handlers, and can provide a challenging opportunity for competitors in other events to strengthen their skills. All dogs are eligible to compete in rally.
Handlers can talk to dogs, repeat commands and use whistles/claps and other sounds to encourage dogs while competing in Rally in front of a judge.
Videos of Rally sign demonstrations
A six-week beginning Rally class where students will be learning Novice Rally signs with an emphasis on teamwork and continuing to build a solid heel. Rally I students will also run a Novice course in preparation for competition.
Requirements: Dog must have gone through basic obedience training or with approval from instructor.
A six-week class where students will be learning Intermediate and Advanced Rally signs, with an emphasis on teamwork and continuing to build a solid heel (on leash and off). If a team is ready, this class can be done off-leash in preparation for Rally Advanced competitions.
Requirements: Dog must have RN (or able to perform all exercises to a rally novice level).
Intended for teams that have or are close to competing in Rally Excellent or Master. We will build on skills used in these advanced levels. Because we will video and analyze performances, class is limited to 4 teams.
Requirements: Dog must have RA title or RI title (or able to perform all exercises to a rally intermediate/advance level) with demonstrated reliable off-leash heel.
This class is meant to work on completing Novice-Advanced courses with a variety of different distractions. We will work on ring entrance, keeping your dog engaged in the ring, and many distractions you may see in a trial environment.
Your dog may not be running in the course at all times and will be able to practice down time outside the ring just as if they were in a trial environment. This is a great time to work on your dog getting comfortable in a crate during down time.